
The Wife


The Wife is a high CBD hybrid strain that is rich in flavor. Once the flower is broken open you will be blasted with fruit scents consisting of blueberries with a touch of banana and cherry. EFFECTS: Relief from stress, muscle pain, headaches, and inflammation are often associated with The Wife due to the high doses of CBD. Heavy relaxation and calm follow soon after a few hits, perfect for winding down at the end of a long day.

The Wife is a high CBD hybrid strain that is rich in flavor. Once the flower is broken open you will be blasted with fruit scents consisting of blueberries with a touch of banana and cherry. EFFECTS: Relief from stress, muscle pain, headaches, and inflammation are often associated with The Wife due to the high doses of CBD. Heavy relaxation and calm follow soon after a few hits, perfect for winding down at the end of a long day.

4 grams of premium hemp flower per unit

Original price was: $19.99.Current price is: $14.99.

17 in stock

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